When it comes to your career, sometimes the grass actually IS greener on the other side

The adage, “the grass is always greener on the other side,” can be an apt reminder when we covet things or circumstances that appear different or better than our own. There are times, though, when this line of thinking does not serve us. At least on the work front, sometimes the grass actually is greener on the other side.

Career Change

Doing the same role at two different companies can be vastly different experiences.

Considering this point through the lens of our non-work lives is helpful. We’re (too) often reminded that some companies are far better at providing a service or creating a product than their direct competitors. Let’s take airlines. Think about your experience on the best airline you’ve flown with versus a so-so carrier. On the product front, consider how often you check Amazon, Wirecutter, and other review sites to find the best wireless headphones or down comforter at a given price point because the quality of a 5-star product and a 3-star product differs so greatly.

Similarly, there’s a huge difference between a great place to work and a “just okay” place to work. Even if what you do while sitting at your desk is largely the same, the company culture, mission, direct team, meeting practices, and even physical space can shape whether you’re happy to arrive at the office or dread walking through the door.

This “grass is greener” philosophy extends to bosses as well. The replacement of a mediocre boss with a fantastic one can transform how we experience our daily jobs as well as our very career trajectory, and a transition in the other direction can spell misery and roadblocks. Even among best-in-class companies, some organizations are a better fit at certain career stages than they are at others.

So if you’re not loving your work life, think about whether you need a complete overhaul or if you just need to cross over to that greener grass and continue doing something similar – but for a better company or boss.

If that’s the right answer for you, but you’re not sure how to make it happen, Happy High Achiever can help! Learn more about our coaching services or schedule a free, 30-minute strategy call.